Understandably, you might associate Botox fillers with cosmetic treatments and wonder, “Why get Botox?” Interestingly enough, Botox injectables offer many people relief from chronic conditions that would otherwise leave them suffering.

So, to give you a whole new perspective on the benefits of Botox—aside from helping with fine lines and wrinkles—let’s explore some of the other reasons to get Botox.

Chronic Migraines

Migraine sufferers do everything possible to avoid triggering their headaches, and once they are at the onset, it can be complex and challenging to manage. Chronic migraines are debilitating and painful and often leave the person with little option but to take excessive medication and ride it out.

However, with Botox injections to the forehead, temples, back of the head, neck, or origin trigger points, people who get migraines 15 days out of the month or more may reduce headache frequency and intensity. 

Treating Bruxism

Bruxism is the clenching or grinding of the teeth, usually due to anxiety or stress. It can lead to excessive teeth wear, painful headaches, and a misalignment of the jaw joint (temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ.)

Botox uses a toxin called onobotulinumtoxinA to immobilize muscles in the injection site, preventing them from contracting. When used for Bruxism or TMJ treatments, injections along the jawline (or the muscles responsible for chewing: frontalis, temporalis, and masseter) help relieve painful conditions. 

The result is the muscles don’t get the signal to move and remain relaxed, providing much-needed relief.

Relaxes Your Face

Yes, Botox relaxes your facial muscles to lessen the appearance of wrinkles and deep lines. However, some people experience difficulties with their face due to injury or a chronic illness. 

In some cases, people have found that Botox minimizes the appearance of symptoms that contracts their facial muscles and allows them to feel less self-conscious about their appearance.

Lazy Eye, Spasm, and Eye Twitch

Do you ever get those annoying eye twitches when you are dehydrated, or your eyes are overly tired? Well, rest and water are the perfect cure for this temporary inconvenience.

Yet, for people with chronic eye spasms, twitches, or a lazy eye, it alters their ability to focus or concentrate throughout the day. As a result, everyday tasks like driving, completing work on the computer, or even cutting vegetables can be tricky!

Botox injectables around the eyes can relieve these irritating conditions by relaxing the muscles responsible.

Acne Breakouts

Our pores produce sebum, a naturally occurring oil in your skin—acne forms from skin imbalances due to hormone fluctuations, irritants, allergies, and genetics. The overproduction of sebum and clogged pores leads to acne and, worse, acne scarring. 

Botox assists in acne treatments to lessen the appearance of scars and reduces the skin’s pore size and sebum production. The result is the skin is clearer as less acne-causing dirt and debris fill open pores.

Let Botox Help Your Chronic Issues Today!

While Botox isn’t permanent, it effectively lasts three to four months, providing you with coveted relief from chronic conditions. So, if people ask you, “why get Botox,” you can confidently tell them about all the health benefits of these injectables.

To get started, trust the certified professionals at Face Amore in Louisville, KY., for your Botox treatment. They will review your medical history and advise you on the best plan to alleviate your symptoms. Additionally, they will answer all your questions to ensure you feel comfortable and at ease throughout your treatments.

Find relief from pain and discomfort today! Schedule your Botox appointment online or by calling Face Amore at 502-749-8011 now!